Do Frogs Bite?

Do frogs bite?

Frogs are intriguing creatures that attract the curiosity of many people. Many species also tend to be very secretive, so they are not frequently encountered most times of the year. Because of this, there are many misconceptions about these animals. Frogs can bite. However, most frogs are very docile and will rarely intentionally bite a … Read more

Do Female Frogs Croak?

Do female frogs croak

Croaking is one of the most common noises frogs make. The typical loud croaking calls we hear from frogs are known as ‘advertisement calls’, and are used by frogs to advertise themselves as potential partners, for other frogs to mate with. But do female frogs croak? In the vast majority of frog species, females lack … Read more

Do Frogs Have Teeth?

Do frogs have teeth?

Frogs are intriguing creatures that attract the curiosity of many people. Many species also tend to be very secretive, so they are not frequently encountered most times of the year. Because of this, there are many misconceptions about these animals. Most frog species have tiny teeth around the edge of the jaw, known as Maxillary … Read more

Do Toads Have Teeth?

Do toads have teeth?

Toads are intriguing creatures that attract the curiosity of many people. Many species also tend to be very secretive, so they are not frequently encountered most times of the year. Because of this, there are many misconceptions about these animals. In general, “true toads” in the family Bufonidae do not have teeth. They are primarily ambush … Read more

Do Frogs Care For Their Young?

Do frogs take care of their young or tadpoles

Parental care is essential for the survival of offspring in many animal species. Usually when frogs breed both the males and females will leave the breeding site, leaving the eggs to fend for themselves. However, some species of frogs and toads provide care for their eggs and offspring. Approximately 10–20% of frog species show some … Read more

What Do American Toads Eat?

What do American toads eat?

The American toad (Anaxyrus americanus) is a common species of toad found throughout Canada and the eastern United States. Like most other toads, American toads are obligate carnivores as adults, which means they only eat animal-based and do not eat plants. American toads are generalist predators and will eat almost any prey they can catch, … Read more