Can Amphibians Live In The Ocean?

Adult toads breathe underwater through their skin

Amphibians are a diverse group of species found in a wide variety of habitats, from rain forests to mountainous areas, to dry regions. But have you ever wondered if amphibians can be found in the ocean, or in other marine environments? The majority of amphibian species can not live in saltwater because salt tends to … Read more

Can Newts Swim? (Explained)

Can newts swim?

Almost everyone who sees them agrees that newts are endearing little creatures. They make amusing pets and are relatively easy to maintain. However, many people have misconceptions about these little amphibians. So, can newts swim? All newts can swim. They are semi-aquatic creatures (they live both on land and in the water) as adults and … Read more

Are Newts Poisonous to Humans or Pets? [Fully Answered]

are newts poisonous/

Newts are endearing little creatures that are fun to observe in the wild and make amusing pets. While they seem defenseless when it comes to fending off hungry predators, they have a few tricks to keep predators away. But are newts poisonous? All newts produce poisonous secretions that make them distasteful or lethal to most … Read more

How Long Can Newts Stay Underwater? [4 Important Factors]

How long can newts stay underwater

Many people know that newts love to spend a lot of their time in streams, ponds, and other water bodies. During the winter, they will sometimes even hibernate at the very bottom of ponds to protect themselves from the frost. But how long can newts stay underwater? Newt larvae (baby newts) have gills and can … Read more

Are Eastern Red-Spotted Newts Poisonous to Humans or Pets?

Are eastern newts poisonous?

Eastern newts (sometimes called eastern red-spotted newts) are found across much of the eastern united states and up into Canada. These newts are easy to identify by their olive-green coloration and the black-bordered red spots along their back. But are eastern newts poisonous? Eastern red-spotted newts produce a highly poisonous toxin known as tetrodotoxin as … Read more