Do Frogs Have Gills?

Most frogs lay eggs, which then hatch into tadpoles that develop and metamorph into adult frogs over time. In each of these life stages, frogs will use many different organs for gas exchange. Frogs have gills as tadpoles, which are lost when the tadpoles reach the froglet stage of their development. As adults, frogs do not have … Read more

How Do Tadpoles Breathe?

How do tadpoles breathe?

Most frogs (not all) start their lives as tiny tadpoles. Tadpoles are very different from adult frogs; this is because they’re adapted for a fully aquatic life, while adult frogs are adapted for a semi-aquatic, or mostly terrestrial life (depending on the species). Tadpoles breathe through external gills when they first hatch. Over time, the … Read more

Do Tadpoles Have Lungs?

Most frogs (not all), start their lives as tiny tadpoles adapted for a fully aquatic life. Over time, the tadpoles will grow legs, lose their tails, and metamorph into adult frogs. Many tadpoles have lungs that they can use to breathe air in as little as 3 days post-hatch. Air breathing is necessary for survival in waters … Read more

Do Tadpoles Have Gills?

Do tadpoles have gills

Most frogs (not all), start their lives as tiny tadpoles adapted for a fully aquatic life. Over time, the tadpoles will grow legs, lose their tails, and metamorph into adult frogs. Tadpoles have external gills when they hatch. At about 4 -6 weeks old, the gills are gradually covered by skin, forming an opercular chamber … Read more

How Long Do Tadpoles Take to Grow Legs?

How long do tadpoles take to grow legs

Most frogs (not all), start their lives as tiny tadpoles adapted for a fully aquatic life. Tadpoles have gills on either side of their head, and a flat paddle-like tail fin to help them swim in the water. Over time, the tadpoles will grow legs, lose their tails, and metamorph into adult frogs. On Average, tadpoles … Read more

Why Do Frogs Lay Eggs in Water?

Why do frogs lay their eggs in water

There are over 7,000 frog species around the world. Most of these species reproduce by laying eggs, usually in shallow, standing, or slow-moving freshwater bodies free that are free of predatory fish. Frogs lay eggs in water to protect, and prevent them from drying out. Unlike reptile or bird eggs, frog eggs do not have a … Read more