Can Salamanders Swim?

Fire salamander in water

Many people know that salamanders need to be around water to keep their skins moist. But can salamanders swim? All salamanders can swim. However, some salamanders live a mostly terrestrial life and are not the strongest of swimmers. Salamanders typically begin their lives as aquatic larvae with gills for breathing in the water. As they … Read more

How Long Do Salamanders Live? (Lifespan of 29 Salamanders

Red Salamander

Bigger animals tend to live longer smaller animals (not always). Think about it- humans live longer than dogs, which live longer than rats, which live longer than bugs. However, when it comes to salamanders, this isn’t the case. Many salamander species have lifespans that far exceed those of much larger animals. Depending on the species, salamanders live … Read more

How Long Do Newts Live? (Average Lifespan 21 Newts

Fire belly newt in a tank

Newts are capable of living long lives. How long a newt will live depends on many factors. For wild newts, their lifespan will depend on the environment they live in, and the predators they have to deal with. The lifespan of captive newts is mainly dependent on how well their owners take of them. Depending … Read more

What do Newts Eat? The Ultimate Guide

Palmate newt eating fish

What do newts eat? It depends on their age and where they live. They are semi-aquatic animals, meaning they live both on land and in the water. In both these environments, they will eat pretty much any prey they can fit into their mouths. Newts are strict carnivores, meaning they eat only “meat”. Generally, they … Read more

Are Red Salamanders Poisonous to Humans or Pets?

Northern Red Salamander Photo by: Peter Paplanus/flickr

Red salamanders are strikingly beautiful amphibians found in the eastern united states. These salamanders are bright red and have extensive black spotting on the back and sides, hence their name. But are red salamanders poisonous?  Red salamanders produce a milky secretion that makes them foul-tasting to predators. This secretion is mildly poisonous and may be … Read more

Are Salamanders Poisonous to Humans, Dogs, or Cats?

Red Salamander

When most people see their first salamander, they call it a lizard. However, on closer examination, most notice that these creatures are nothing like Lizards. They have smooth, moist skin, much like frogs. This is because salamanders are amphibians closer to frogs than they are to lizards. Like most amphibians, salamanders produce poisonous secretions as … Read more