Are Salamanders Nocturnal?

Are salamanders nocturnal?

On warm rainy nights in the spring, it is common to see salamanders and other frogs migrating to breeding sites, or hunting for food. However, when the daytime comes, salamanders become harder to find. Most salamander species are either nocturnal or crepuscular and are most active at night or in the low-light hours right before … Read more

How Long Can A Salamander Go Without Eating?

How Long Can a Salamander Go Without Eating? (Explained)

Salamanders are carnivores that aren’t very picky with what they eat. Their generalist diet means salamanders can find food in the variety of habitats they live in However, despite their diverse diets, salamanders still sometimes find themselves in environments where food sources are scarce.​ So, how long can a salamander go without eating? Generally, healthy … Read more

Why Do Frogs Start And Stop Croaking At The Same Time?

Croaking is one of the most common noises made by frogs. On warm, rainy nights, it’s common to hear the croaking choruses of hundreds of frogs coming from ponds or other freshwater bodies nearby. But have you ever wondered why frogs seem to start and stop croaking at the same time? Frogs start and stop … Read more

Why Do Frogs Pee On You?

Why do frogs pee on you?

If you ever tried to pick a frog up, there is a very good chance it may pee on you. But have you ever wondered why frogs have this behavior? Frogs may pee on you when you pick them up as a defense mechanism to avoid being eaten. It is a sign the frog feels … Read more

Do Salamanders Eat Dead Bugs?

Do salamanders eat dead bugs?

Salamanders are generalist carnivores that feast on worms and a wide variety of bugs. These amphibians are not picky eaters and will eat almost any prey they can catch and fit into their mouths. Salamanders are ambush predators and are instinctively attracted to movement while hunting for food. For this reason, most salamanders do not … Read more

How Do Salamanders Survive Winter?

It’s common to encounter salamanders and other amphibians during the wet, warm season, but they seem to disappear during the winter. So how do these creatures survive the winter? Salamanders survive the winter by hibernating. Terrestrial salamanders hibernate in logs or underground burrows below the frost line. Many aquatic salamanders hibernate by burying themselves in … Read more