What Do Salamanders Eat? The Ultimate Guide

Eastern red-backed salamander eating a worm

Most salamanders are carnivores, which means they eat only animal protein. Their exact diet will depend on their size, age, their habitat, and the part of the world they live in. Generally, salamanders eat worms, slugs, and a wide variety of insects in the wild. In addition, large salamanders are capable of eating mice, baby … Read more

Are Salamanders Warm or Cold-Blooded?

Salamander on a green leaf

In the winter, we don’t see many salamanders or other amphibians around. This is because salamanders cannot internally control their body temperature, so it is at the mercy of the temperatures in their environment. Salamanders are ectothermic (cold-blooded) animals, which means they cannot regulate their body temperature. Their body temperature changes as the temperature in … Read more

Do Salamanders Bite?

Small mouth salamander on a hand

Salamanders are intriguing creatures and are relatively easy to care for. This makes them a popular pet among amphibian enthusiasts. Should you ever be worried about being bitten by a salamander? Salamanders are known to bite. However, you shouldn’t be too worried about being bitten by a salamander, because they are very docile creatures that … Read more

Can Salamanders Survive or Withstand a Fire?

Salamanders are not fireproof

Salamanders are very secretive creatures. Due to this, several myths and legends have arisen about them over the centuries. Many ancient people believed that salamanders were fireproof and so cold-blooded that their bodies could extinguish the flames themselves. However, most of these legends are untrue. Salamanders are not fireproof and can not withstand fire. Being … Read more

Can Newts Breathe Underwater? [Fully Explained]

Newt underwater

Newts are semi-aquatic animals, which means they live both on land and in the water. They have different ways of breathing in each of these unique environments. On land, they breathe using their lungs, just like us. In the water, they breathe through a process known as cutaneous respiration (breathing through the skin). Newts can … Read more

Are Salamanders Poisonous to Dogs?

Spotted salamander on a wet pavement

Dogs are natural predators, so it is common for them to catch smaller animals in their mouths. In some parts of the United States, these “smaller animals”, may include certain species of salamanders are newts. Nearly all salamander species produce poisonous secretions that can be harmful when ingested by a dog. This means that if … Read more