Do All Frogs Start as Tadpoles? (Some Species Don’t)

Most frogs reproduce by laying eggs. In most frog species, the eggs will hatch into tadpoles, but this isn’t always the case. Some species do not have a tadpole stage. Most frogs start their lives as aquatic tadpoles, which transform into adult frogs over time. However, some frog species do not start as tadpoles. They … Read more

How Long Do Tree Frogs Live? (42 Species+ Helpful Chart

How long do tree frogs live

How long a tree frog will live depends on many factors. For wild tree frogs, their lifespan will depend on the environment they live in, their diet, and the predators they have to deal with. The lifespan of captive tree frogs is mainly dependent on how well their owners take of them. Depending on the … Read more

What Do Toad Eggs Look Like? (ID Guide+ 28 Helpful Pictures

What do toad eggs look like

Many frogs and toads look very similar, but they do have some differences. Most frogs lay their eggs in the water, and these eggs look like clusters of clear jelly-like globs, with developing embryos visible inside each egg. But what do toad eggs look like? Most toads lay their eggs in shallow, calm, bodies of … Read more

How Many Eggs Do Toads Lay? (40 Species+ Helpful Charts

How many eggs do toads lay

Most toads reproduce by laying eggs, usually in clam, shallow, bodies of fresh water. However, some toad species can lay their eggs in brackish water, and others, in relatively fast-flowing streams. Depending on the species, toads can lay anywhere from 10, to as many as 40,000 eggs at a time. The eggs are usually laid … Read more

How Long Do Toad Eggs Take to Hatch? (36 Species+ Charts

How long do toad eggs take to hatch

Most toads reproduce by laying eggs. These eggs are typically laid in the water, usually in long strings, and attached to twigs, grass, or other vegetation just slightly below the surface of the water. But how long do toad eggs take to hatch? The eggs laid by most toad species will hatch in anywhere from … Read more

Where Do Toads Lay Their Eggs? (It May Surprise You)

Where do toads lay their eggs

Many people know that most frogs lay eggs in the water which then hatch into tadpoles, which develop into mature frogs over time. But have you ever wondered where toads lay their eggs? Most toad species lay their eggs in shallow, fish-free, freshwater bodies.  However, some species lay their eggs in moist, protected terrestrial environments, … Read more