How Many Eggs Do Frogs Lay? (90 Species+ Helpful Charts

how many eggs do frogs lay

Most frogs will reproduce by laying eggs. These eggs are typically laid in the water and attached to twigs, grass, or other vegetation just slightly below the surface of the water. But how many eggs do frogs lay? Depending on the species, a single frog can lay anywhere from 2 to as many as 40,000 … Read more

24 Interesting Salamanders in Oklahoma (+ Pictures)

Salamanders in Oklahoma

The state of Oklahoma is home to at least 24 different species and subspecies of salamanders. Most of these salamanders are terrestrial, which means they live on land. But there are also several fully aquatic salamander species. Terrestrial salamanders prefer to live in moist habitats and are typically found in shady, forested areas, not far from … Read more

Are Wood Frogs Poisonous to Humans, Dogs or Cats?

are wood frogs poisonous

Wood frogs are fairly small frogs found from the northeastern quarter of the United States and throughout most of Canada to central and southern Alaska. These frogs have a very varied coloration, but they are typically brown, rusty red, gray, or tan and have bumpy skin. But are wood frogs poisonous? Wood frogs are very … Read more

5 Interesting Types of Tree Frogs in Minnesota (+ Pictures)

Tree Frogs in Minnesota

The state of Minnesota is home to several species of salamanders, frogs, and toads. There are eleven species of frogs in Minnesota, of these frogs, 4 species are classed as tree frogs. These frogs have small light bodies that allow them to sit on leaves and cling to weak branches without falling. They also have long … Read more

Do Toads Have Tadpoles? Everything You Need to Know

Do toads have tadpoles?

Many people know that most frogs start their lives as tadpoles, which metamorph into mature frogs over time. Toads are a type of frog, so you may be wondering if they too have tadpoles. So, do toads have tadpoles?  Most toads lay eggs in water, which hatch into tadpoles. Over time, the tadpoles go through … Read more

Where Do Toads Go in the Winter? (Do They Hibernate?)

Where do toads go in the winter. Do toads hibernate

In the winter, we do not see many frogs and toads. This is because they are ectothermic (cold-blooded) animals, meaning they can not regulate their internal body temperature. When the environmental temperatures rise or fall, so does their internal temperature. Toads in cold regions hibernate to protect themselves from freezing temperatures in the winter. This … Read more